Monday, January 25, 2010


monday is my 'day off'.  iow, that's the day i'm home, alone, with the boys.  i try to get a little work stuff, checking search engine placement, replying to emails, etc but little actual work gets done b/c most of the day is spent looking for enzo's blue ball or matisse's bunny fuzzy.  or dealing with some fashion drama.   or wiping a snotty nose.  or wondering why it's so quiet and discovering the boys taking turns sucking all the toothpaste out of the tube and wondering how much flouride they can consume before they get truly poisoned (you'd think i'd know).

then every half hour or so, luc calls to 'check in' and make sure all is well.  like he's helping out in some way.  he always manages to call when i'm pulling a kid out of the oven or something.

the boys are finally getting tubes in their ears a week from today.  i had to plunk down $1000 to hold the appointment.  i hear hair salons are taking credit cards numbers to make appointments too.  we get a fair number of no-shows and last-minute cancellations, despite reminder calls and cards.  my obgyn doesn't even call to remind me about a pap smear appt i made a year ago and yet people manage to forget appointments made a week prior, even after getting a call the day before.  we go back and forth about whether to get a 'deposit' to make an appointment and never manage to bring ourselves to do it.

sigh.  certainly i'd rather get my haircut than have dental work done.  but come on!  a cleaning is not nearly as humbling as an ob check.  well--as long as you've been flossing.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

my first blog post

i've only done one blog before, and that was to describe a surgery i had; before-photos, after-photos, post op stuff, etc. hopefully this one won't have bruising as a topic.

so, where to start? i'm 45, a dentist in downtown raleigh, have identical twin boys (matisse and enzo) turning three soon and brother/sister rescue dogs. my kids' dad (luciano) is italian--off the boat from sardinia about 15 yrs ago--we eat a lot of really good food at our house. i graduated from indiana university school of dentistry, also 15 years ago.

moving on.

i got a wii for my birthday a year and a half ago. i was able to get on it again this past weekend for the first time in 413 days (the wii fit tells you how long it's been since you've exercised. it doesn't sneer or anything when it tells you it's been over a year, but you still feel guilty). how did i have time? long story involving our old tv dying, getting a new hi def plasma, and of course needing the particular blue ray dvd player that the local best buy didn't have in stock. luciano evidently couldn't wait for it to come in the mail so he drove, with the boys, to rocky mount. that meant that i had 2.5 hours to kill.

i was feeling pretty good about the 45 minutes of yoga and strength training i did, so i looked around for more fun stuff. there's a game where a virtual you 'heads' soccer balls being kicked at you by a team. if you get hit by a shoe, you lose 1 point; get hit by a panda head (don't ask me), you lose 3 points. the balls come at you faster and faster for a minute. it's scored so that anything under 100, your character falls down, pounding the grass in shame. after that is 'amateur' level, and i don't know what it takes to get past that level, but i know it's OVER 184.

when you're in your mid forties, you should NOT succumb to pride and try, for almost an hour, to get past amateur level. it was like having whiplash for 2 days. my hygienist, kassie, laughed non-stop and head-bobbed at me the whole week. thank god for aleve. i'm better now, so i think i'm ready to try again this weekend, if i can come up with another electronic component that we can't live without.