Wednesday, October 27, 2010

kanye west now

so, we know i'm sort of obsessed with lil wayne's grill..
 and now kanye west has joined the club.  evidently, he had some extensive dental work done after an accident in 2002 that broke his jaw and required him to be wired together.   somehow, someone got hold of his panoramic xray, taken while he was wired together:
 now, what i see is that kanye had ortho at some point, probably in his childhood (they extracted 4 permanent premolars....a favorite treatment by some orthodontists that drives me crazy b/c it usually leaves patients w/ a flat mid-facial profile, but i digress, as usual).  it looks like he may have had some trauma to the lowers and he had to wear a lower splint:
 see?  even kanye got a little flat-faced from those premolar extractions..makes the mouth turn down.  sigh.

unfortunately, the photos of his new grill are all fuzzy.  it looks like they did work on the lower six anterior teeth, but i can't tell exactly what was done, but it looks like they're all splinted together like lil wayne's

here's the video of him discussing it on ellen:  they really do sparkle!

and i STILL haven't found anyone to let me do a simple diamond implant in a canine. i must be seeing the wrong patients....