Wednesday, July 21, 2010

my laser rocks

this is really only going to be interesting to people either in the dental field.  not for the faint of heart, but it's so cool!

this lady came in with a traumatic cyst the size of a marble!!  i've never seen one even half this size before!  she bit her lip, it swelled, causing her to accidentally bite it more, causing more swelling, etc etc.  you see these pretty often, same location, but they're usually the size of a bb.

 so i got her numb and lasered it.  it was sort of a surprise assault, but she did great!  here's immediately after--it's amazing!
here's one day later.  she has a little residual swelling, but the tissue looks great.  it's hard to believe i took a marble out of her lip yesterday.  AND it doesn't hurt.  little to no post-op pain.  lasers are crazy magic.

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