Saturday, August 21, 2010


as i've mentioned before, i started working out w/ raymond 'desade' desmarais several months ago to help the chronic back pain  from which i'd suffered--upper back from 15 years of doing dentistry, lower back from 3 yrs of picking up kids.  well, he knocked the pain out in a few weeks like he was swatting a fly, then he got serious about kicking my butt.  we started w/ weight lifting.  then he brought some pads in and let me kick him a few times at the end of a workout.  then he got me some gloves so i could hit him a little.  then he put it together and let me kick AND hit him.....and it's AMAZING. 

i had luc come yesterday to videotape some.  these are just some practice workouts.  the really fun ones are 2-3 minute timed rounds.

it's interesting for me to see the workout from this perspective.  i always thought i hit like rocky, but instead, i hit more like bullwinkle....if bullwinkle were a girl.  and maybe really, really tired.  in my defense, this was after a 45 minute workout.  and i'd worked all day.  and i'm pretty sure i had a papercut.  sigh.  i gotta work on my form.