Thursday, February 24, 2011

gold tooth saves guy from bullet

my evil trainer, raymond desade desmarais, emailed this to me today:

if you don't want to read the article,  a mr. davis (he's underage so we don't know his name) from new orleans, sporting an extensive grill, was out in his car smoking his brother, waltdell's, pot.  waltdell got mad at the kid for stealing his stash and after some words, pulled a gun.  while the brothers were wrestling over waltdell's gun, it went off and shot the kid in the mouth.    the gold grill deflected the bullet and the guy was utterly unharmed other than a cut on his lip and gum.  hah!  oh, and when filing charges, the kid had to make sure the police didn't confuse waltdell with their other brother waldell.  so, naturally i figure the kid's name must be walmdell.

not walmdell's mouth, but i thought this was pretty spectacular.  those are peridot gems in that grill!

and this brings me right back to the fact that i'm still waiting to do a nice, conservative diamond inlay in someone's upper canine.  i'm talking to YOU raymond!!  it could save your life someday you know....

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