Tuesday, May 17, 2011

drag bull-riding

this past weekend, i sponsored an event for the crape myrtle festival.  first of all, the crape myrtle festival is a volunteer/non-profit group that raises money for aids awareness, assistance for people with aids/hiv, as well as for other services for the lgbt community.  the event yesterday was held at the longbranch saloon, here in raleigh, and featured several lovelies in full drag providing entertainment, including mechanical bull-riding.

it all started b/c my friday assistant, frank, the 6'2" navaho indian, started pestering me to sponsor this thing that he was helping to organize.  and of course, when he said there would be drag queens on a mechanical bull, i couldn't say no.  what was funny was that after i agreed, i asked who else would be sponsoring, to which frank replied, 'just you'.  well fine.

see my TINY logo in the corner? 

we didn't have a lot of opportunity to market the event, but it had a really good turnout.  of course, once i posted pics and videos on my facebook page, EVERYONE wished they'd been there, so next year should be an even bigger blast.

so, as noted on the invite,  'anyone can ride!'  so we did.  it was frank's and my first time.  kassie's an old hand at it.  she broke her wrist in hygiene school on a mechanical bull.  fortunately, despite her telling the operator to crank it up, she's at work today, wrists intact.  we both have very bizarre bruises though.

so, here's frank;

kassie, and no, she isn't going to wear that dress to clean your teeth so don't bother asking;

me, and i'm pretty sure the bull operator was reminded that i was the sponsor and that it was somewhat important that i not break anything

some of the lovelies in drag;

this is the most risque one, fyi...

the longbranch may never be the same. it was tons of fun for a good cause!!

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