Wednesday, February 3, 2010


i went to florida last week/weekend for a seminar in clearwater.  it was given by a dentist named bill strupp.  i'd taken the same course about 10 years ago but i thought maybe it would be a good time for a refresher.  unfortunately, his material was exactly the same as 10 years before.  at least it was good to get away.  he does these full-mouth porcelain reconstructions after a specific type of periodontal surgery involving root-reshaping (which is being taught in may and THAT one looks interesting) to bring the margins of the old crowns and fillings above the gumline to reverse and prevent periodontal disease.

ok, not thrilling to anyone that's not a dentist.  but since they've proven such a strong correlation between periodontal disease and other systemic diseases, it's definitely worth knowing how to do.  i see a LOT of inflammation around old fillings and crowns.  frequently, it's not anyone's fault--it's just that the decay went so far down on the tooth that the dentist who did them had no choice but to bury the margins below the gum level.

we came home to 6 inches of snow sunday.  blech.  meanwhile the boys were scheduled for tubes the next morning at, get this, 5:15 am.  those poor kids have had non-stop ear infections for the past 2 winters.  they've been on antibiotics this year, i swear, since october.  i would have walked to the hospital to make sure they got there.  dr. doug holmes did the surgery--he also did my sinus surgery last year.  i LOVE that man.  he doesn't pussy-foot around a diagnosis or treatment option.  and he's a terrific surgeon....the boys had their surgery, came home to sleep off the anesthesia, woke up, ate half the refrigerator and went outside to throw snowballs all afternoon.

soooo many no-shows in hygiene this week.  snow is the ultimate excuse to get out of a dental appointment (especially for a cleaning).  poor kassie's been on the phone trying to get people in to get their teeth cleaned and alleviate her boredom.  i'm surprised she hasn't pulled people in from the hallways.  as she just told me, she hates sitting still.

me...i LOVE sitting still.  i just don't remember how to do it.

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