Tuesday, March 2, 2010

the circus and lil wayne

we went to the circus this weekend.   the ringmaster had crazy good teeth.   we were sitting near the front row, but wayyyy on the side.  fortunately it was the side that the animals and acrobats came in.  we had an excellent view of the cleanup of elephant poop.

anyhow, the ringmaster:  i googled him b/c i wondered what his real purpose was besides to look pretty.  he's one of the youngest ringmasters ever hired by barnum and bailey, at 23 and is a highly respected magician in his field.  go figure.  he says that in every show, he runs aprox 2 miles (one end of the ring to another, over and over) and drinks 2 liters of water.  i had wondered why he looked more athletic than the acrobats.

speaking of great teeth:  i have a somewhat morbid fascination w/ lil wayne.  i've been watching the $150k train wreck of  a grill in his mouth for several years now, enlarging images whenever i see a pic of him grinning like a cheshire cat.  now, as an artist, i think the guy's got real genius.  but holy cow!  that mouth!  all i can think of when i see him is the active gum disease, pus and inflammation he's harboring under all that bling.  and let's face it...he gets plenty of action but who, really, is going to kiss that twice?  i think i just threw up in my mouth.

so, his recent sentencing was postponed b/c of dental surgery, and of course i've been tracking it.  he had to have 8 (EIGHT!!)  root canals...and then something about implants....being redone?  new ones being placed?  oh, and they had to revamp the diamond and platinum hardware.  i can only hope that a hygienist smacked him around and gave him several thousand yards of floss with stern instructions.  if kassie had hold of him, he'd be begging her forgiveness w/ promises of reform within minutes (more than his judge got, i'm sure).

meanwhile, i'm still trying to convince someone to let me put a diamond inlay on their upper canine tooth.  so far, no takers, but hope springs eternal.

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